An organization’s audit offers a key measure of accountability and control for a non-profit organization. The auditor, with a mandate to directly review the books and records of the organization, provides an important check on the activities of management.
According to the Non-Profit Corporations Act, there are two types of non-profit corporations: charitable and membership. Membership non-profit corporations are formed primarily for the benefit of members and are supported through membership fees. Membership non-profit corporations are required to file “audited” financial statements unless a resolution not to appoint an auditor has been passed by two-thirds of the members voting on the resolution. Charitable corporations where revenues exceed $500,000 in the previous fiscal year are required to complete an audit; revenues between $100,000 and $500,000 require a “review”, and where revenues are less than $100,000 in the previous fiscal year, the requirement for an audit or review can be waived by the membership (passed by 80 per cent of members voting). All non-profits that have more than $100,000 in revenues must submit a financial statement (review or an audited financial statement) to the Corporate Registry not more than 30 days after their annual meeting each year.
Organizations prepare their financial statements in accordance with a framework of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) relevant to their country.
Most audit processes will identify insights about some areas where management may improve their controls or processes.
An organization appoints an independent auditor to review the financial transactions of an organization. Auditors use a framework of generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) which set out requirements and guidance on how to conduct an audit.
Basically, the audit is a systematic and independent examination of books, accounts, documents and vouchers of an organization to ascertain how far the financial statements represent a true and fair view of the organization’s financial position as a result of its operations. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) report Understanding a financial statement audit, “The auditor is responsible for expressing an opinion indicating that reasonable assurance has been obtained that the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and that they are fairly presented in accordance with the relevant accounting standards.”
It is the auditor’s responsibility to plan and conduct an audit that meets the auditing standards and provides appropriate evidence. What constitutes sufficient evidence is up to their judgement. Besides financial statements, the auditor will also assess internal controls and procedures in the organization, to the extent that this might impact the assessment of the validity of information recorded in the accounts. Most audit processes will identify insights about some areas where management may improve their controls or processes.
The audit process depends on the auditor and the organization, but it basically can be summarized in five phases:
As a result, the auditor communicates his or her opinion of the organization’s financial statement through the Auditor’s Report.
When an auditor concludes that financial statements are free from material misstatement, a “clean” opinion will be stated in the audit report. The organization is considered a “going concern” and viewed as continuing in business for the foreseeable future. If an auditor disagrees with management about financial statements, a modified opinion will be issued – and the audit is deemed not to be ‘clean’. A modified opinion could be:
It should not be assumed that every single fact and detail in a set of audited financial statements has been checked and verified by the auditors. The auditor obtains reasonable assurance by gathering evidence through selective testing of financial records.
Once satisfied, the board can approve the audited financial statements and distribute them to the members.
Annual meetings must be held no later than 15 months after the previous annual meeting. Therefore, organizations changing their fiscal year-end may have to submit a report for a shortened year. For example, if an organization that originally had a year-end of July 31st (with an AGM normally held in October) was switching to a year-end of March 31st (with an AGM in June), it may have to hold its next Annual General Meeting by January, more than two months sooner than its new fiscal year end. Therefore, the organization would need to submit an audit or review on a shortened year – most likely adjusting immediately to its new time frame of March 31st year-end and an AGM in June of that year.