In any operating environment, well-governed organizations are more effective and more likely to be successful than poorly governed ones. That's because good governance systems focus organizations on activities that best contribute to organizational objectives — activities such as resource management and stakeholder optimization. For not-for-profit organizations, governance is particularly important today as they are challenged to provide more services to more people, but with reduced resources.
For not-for-profit organizations, governance is particularly important today as they are challenged to provide more services to more people, but with reduced resources.
One of the most important elements of governance systems is an effective audit committee. Through its activities, an audit committee can give a not-for-profit organization’s members, donors and other stakeholders a greater assurance of the integrity of financial information, clarity in reporting and transparency in disclosure.
Larger not-for-profit organizations may have internal audit staff. In this case, the audit committee must review the work schedule of the internal audit staff and report on their interaction with the external auditors.
Content excerpted from "An Overview of Governance," from The Effective Not-for-Profit Board – Governance of Not-for-Profit Organizations, Deloitte & Touche, 2013.