Multicultural Initiatives Fund (MIF) – Project Funding aims to advance cross-cultural understanding and support work that aligns with the principles of Truth and Reconciliation in Saskatchewan by supporting projects encouraging people to share, learn, appreciate and respect cultural diversity. For more information, visit the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation website and download various reports.
Applicants can apply for a maximum of $15,000 of project costs.
Do you face any barriers applying for this grant? Our Accessibility Fund can help.
MIF - Project funding aims to advance cross-cultural engagement by supporting projects that encourage people to share, learn and engage in meaningful efforts that address the following purposes:
*NOTE: Some projects may have overlapping Purposes; please choose only ONE that most accurately reflects your desired outcomes.
Applicants can apply for a maximum of $15,000 of project costs. It is recommended that Celebration of Diversity projects apply for $5,000 level.
Priority will be given to projects that:
Eligible Applicants include:
Registered Non-Profit organizations in Saskatchewan.
These organizations must:
be a First Nation, Tribal Council, Métis Local or Municipality.
The applicant must:
NOTE: Indigenous communities are encouraged to apply to the Aboriginal Arts and Culture Leadership grant program for activity in this area.
Ineligible applicants include:
Initiatives must directly address the purposes and priorities of this funding program, including:
When submitting a proposal, please ensure that only eligible expenses are included. All expenses must fall within the indicated start and end date of the grant. All project income and expenses should be included in budget form and the budget should balance (revenue = expenses).
All expenses must be verifiable with receipts.
If you are unsure whether your project fits the Purpose of this grant, please contact the consultant, and check the list of successful applicants and project descriptions.
Eligible project expenses include:
All claimed expenses must fall within the indicated start and end date of the grant. All expenses must be verifiable by receipts or transaction records, upon request. Expenses incurred before or after the grant period will not be eligible.
The following items are ineligible for MIF-P funds:
Applications must be submitted via the Online Grant Platform (OGP) by the deadline.
Once your organization has been approved for a grant, applicants will:
YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME received financial assistance from Sask Lotteries, thanks to a SaskCulture program.
Logos and promotional materials, along with how-to guides, are available at Using Logos.
Failure to meet the above funding obligations to the satisfaction of SaskCulture will be grounds to withhold the final payment if applicable, and will restrict access to future funding.
You will receive correspondence stating that your application has been denied funding for this particular funding program. While all decisions, made by volunteer Peer Assessors, are final, this news should not deter you from applying for future funding opportunities.