Multicultural Initiatives Fund (MIF) – Annual Funding provides operational funding to community-based ethno-cultural, multicultural, First Nations and Métis organizations reaching Indigenous peoples, youth, northern and/or rural communities to advance cross-cultural understanding and support work that aligns with the principles of Truth and Reconciliation in Saskatchewan. MIF supports organizations that encourage people to share, learn, appreciate and respect cultural diversity.
Do you face any barriers applying for this grant? Our Accessibility Fund can help.
MIF- Annual funding aims to advance cross-cultural engagement by supporting longer-term projects that encourage people to share, learn and engage in meaningful efforts that address:
Applicants can apply for up to 50% of an organization’s annual budget to a maximum of $20,000.
MIF Annual is generally for provincial or regional multicultural, ethno-cultural or Indigenous organizations that have organizations as members, such as Tribal Councils.
Eligible Applicants include:
These organizations must:
Ineligible applicants include:
Contact the SaskCulture Outreach Consultant to discuss your project and your eligibility to be advised on what alternate project funds might be available to you or use SaskCulture’s “Find a Grant” tool to explore other options.
Eligible costs can be operational in nature and can include wage costs for staff, administrative costs, such as office rent as well as program costs.
The following items are ineligible for MIF-Annual funds:
Applications must be submitted via the Online Grant Platform (OGP) by the deadline.
Once your organization has been approved for a grant, applicants will:
YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME received financial assistance from Sask Lotteries, thanks to a SaskCulture program.
Logos and promotional materials, along with how-to guides, are available at Using Logos.
Failure to meet the above funding obligations to the satisfaction of SaskCulture will be grounds to withhold the final payment if applicable, and will restrict access to future funding.
You will receive correspondence stating that your application has been denied funding for this particular funding program. While all decisions, made by volunteer Peer Assessors, are final, this news should not deter you from applying for future funding opportunities.