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Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces
June 24, 2020

The Black Lives Matter movement is compelling many sectors, organizations and leaders to examine how they are supporting and increasing diversity and inclusiveness, along with considering new approaches to improve on those measures for all racialized and marginalized people.

The first step may be the hardest, and it’s to admit that there is always more that your organization can do. It’s important to acknowledge that even if you feel your organization is completely welcoming to everyone in your community, without taking some specific actions, it may not appear that way to everyone.

For instance, if your website does not plainly state that your organization is committed to diversity and inclusiveness, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPoC) or members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community may perceive that as a sign that they are not welcome. Or if in your advertising you opt for an image of a “traditional” family because you believe the appeal is wider, you are excluding many other people whose families do not look like that, and they will make their decisions based on that.

Be aware that a “one-size fits all” strategy is not going to be as effective as having a diversity and inclusion strategy that you can adapt to meet the particular needs of each group of people you are working to attract to your organization.

The benefits of having a diverse and inclusive workplace are many, as are the strategies and actions you can undertake to increase both of them. Here are some links to get you started: