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SaskCulture Grant Deadline Extensions
March 25, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis is causing everyone to make and anticipate change over the next few months, if not the upcoming year. SaskCulture has been monitoring the situation and has made some changes to its current programs and services.

All funding deadlines have been extended to the new dates shown below. Additional deadlines for later in the year are still to be determined.

Creative Kids is also announcing an extension to their Cameco Creative Kids Northern Cultural Fund deadline. The deadline has been extended to June 30, 2020. Future deadlines to be determined.

Due to the COVID-19 implications and government restrictions, SaskCulture wants applicants to these funding programs to know that:

  • It encourages groups to consider requesting support for online-based cultural activities;
  • It will not accept applications for public events or gatherings that take place prior to June 30, 2020;
  • It will provide conditional grants for public events or gatherings taking place after June 30, 2020, provided they fall after the date the government has eased restrictions on public gatherings. Applicants are encourgaed to organize events with clearly articulated cancellation policies and agreements on payments; and
  • It requires written or verbal notice of postponements or cancellations of funded events and activities.

If you have any questions about SaskCulture programs and services, please contact the appropriate Outreach Consultant, or call 306-780-9284 or email