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A promotional ad for a Culture Days survey
Another Successful Culture Days
Oct. 4, 2018

Thank you Saskatchewan for another amazing Culture Days weekend! 

Whether you were an activity or event organizer, a volunteer, or a participant trying something new - you helped make the ninth annual Culture Days a resounding success with over 150 activities taking place in at least 42 communities throughout the province. 

Stay tuned for a short online survey to collect data and feedback specific to Saskatchewan Culture Days organizers; this will be available in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, here is the link to the national Culture Days survey for organizers or participants. Complete it before October 13 and you'll have the chance to win one of five $100 prepaid giftcards. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and the feedback will be invaluable in helping to make the Culture Days experience even better next year!