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2018 Saskatchewan Order of Merit Recipients
April 20, 2018

Congratulations to the 2018 recipients of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit, all of whom are recognizable names in the province's cultural community: 

  • National Chief Perry Bellegarde, Assembly of First Nations, Little Black Bear First Nation;
  • Gail Bowen, Author, Regina;
  • Dr. Robert Calder, Professor Emeritus and Author, Saskatoon;
  • Maurice Delage, President of Delage Farms Ltd., Indian Head;
  • Thelma Pepper, Photographic Artist, Saskatoon (who at 98, is the oldest person to receive this honour); and
  • Neil Richards, LGBT Archivist and Activist, Saskatoon (posthumous).

The investiture ceremony takes place in Regina on May 23, 2018.