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Agendas for Resilience & Respect: Canada 150 & Beyond - The Gatherings
Jan. 19, 2018

The agendas for both Resilience & Respect Gatherings are now available on our website

  • The Saskatoon Gathering on January 26th features First Nations and Métis people and organizations discussing ideas on the way forward with topics including language and culture revitalization with special guests Eugene Arcand, Norman Fleury, Jack Saddleback, Zoey Roy, Floyd Favel and others. It is also the premiere of the Resilience and Respect: Canada 150 and Beyond project videos. RSVP your attendance by January 22nd.
  • The Regina Gathering on February 1st & 2nd presents two evenings of FREE storytelling and music in partnership with Sâkêwêwak First Nations Artists' Collective Inc. and the mâmawêyatitân centre. Special guests include N'we Jinan with Patuanak youth groupBryden Gwiss Kiwenzie, Harold Johnson and Harmony Johnson-HarderSee Monsters and DJ Shub.