Member Directory
Regina Public Library
When was the last time you visited the Regina Public Library? If it's been awhile, you may be surprised at what they have to offer. Whether you're looking for information, education, or entertainment, they have it at the Regina Public Library. It has the latest bestsellers, an extensive collection of music CDs and DVDs, audiobooks, free Internet workstations, storytimes for kids, and so much more. Besides providing a wide range of free programs and services, the Library is also home to the Dunlop Art Gallery, RPL Film Theatre, Prairie History Room, Business Reference Services and a Children's Library. Regina Public Library is a great place to bring your family, study, access a computer, go online, read the latest magazines and newspapers, meet up with friends, or just sit and read a book.
2311 - 12th Avenue
Regina SK S4P 3Z5
Phone: (306) 777-6115
Fax: (306) 949-7263