Artist Call, AdHum Exterior Entrance Revitalization Project

Univeristy of Regina, Regina
Deadline: March 05, 2025 - March 17, 2025
In celebration of the University of Regina’s (University) 50th anniversary, artists are invited to submit their proposal for a permanent outdoor, wall-mounted public artwork celebrating the first 50 years of the University, its place in Saskatchewan and on the Prairies. Since 1973, the Administration-Humanities (AdHum) Building has served as an academic and administrative hub for the University of Regina while also offering a unique gathering space for students in the form of the AdHum Pit. With offices in the five-story building overlooking the campus and others overlooking the inner courtyard and Pit, Saskatoon architect John Holliday-Scott’s light filled, donut design facilitates connection and communication between staff, faculty and students. Currently, the AdHum entrance and Pit are being revitalized with a modern design that is strongly focused on safety, inclusion and accessibility. The completed outdoor public artwork will be installed on the wall between the two main entrance doors and will be a vibrant first impression welcome for future, current and past students, faculty and staff. The artwork will enhance the entrance of the AdHum Building while also providing a point of interest and visual waypoint for those entering. It will celebrate the University’s past accomplishments and history while also situating the University in an active present within the province.

Click the website link for more information on the call.