Intermediate Establishing Indigenous Institutions of Governance - Winter 2023

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada-wide
Deadline: June 07, 2022 - December 13, 2022
During this period of rights recognition, Indigenous peoples are implementing self-government as an exercise of self-determination. Establishing strong and appropriate institutions of governance is an essential part of self-government. Nations that establish effective and culturally appropriate institutions are politically and economically more powerful and better equipped to take action to improve the lives of their citizens. There are lessons to be learned from the experiences of Nations that are actively rebuilding and new tools being developed to support nation rebuilding. In this program, participants will be shown practical ways to help rebuild their own Indigenous institutions of governance based on real world, on the ground experiences.

Program Dates: February 5 - 10, 2023
Registration Deadline: December 13, 2022
Learn more and apply online: