Secondary Research and Literature/Knowledge Review RFP

Deadline: August 11, 2021 - September 07, 2021
Date RFP Posted: August 11, 2021
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: September 1, 2021
Awarding of Contract: September 15, 2021
Anticipated Completion Date: October 27, 2021

It is anticipated that this work will take approximately 6 weeks and the final report for the project should be submitted by October 25, 2021. The project budget, inclusive of all related fees and expenses, is up to a maximum of $20,000.

SaskCulture’s 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and Program Renewal:

SaskCulture is committed to ensuring that Sask Lotteries proceeds are used to support cultural activity that meets the needs of Saskatchewan’s ever-growing diversity of peoples. Through the development of its 2020-2025 strategic plan, SaskCulture’s Board of Directors recognized the appropriateness of undertaking a comprehensive program renewal process. Along with ensuring the effectiveness of its existing practices, this review process will place a greater emphasis on the advancement and support of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA), in SaskCulture’s own programs and services, as well as throughout the cultural ecosystem in the province.

The 2020-2025 strategic plan can be viewed on the SaskCulture website:

The Secondary Research and Literature Review is a component of Phase One in SaskCulture’s program renewal. Phase One will expand the collective knowledge and understanding of IDEA funding frameworks, measurements and evaluations, and will inform the design of the assessment and consultation approaches. In this program renewal, concepts and approaches such as anti-racism, anti-oppression and colonialism will be explored and articulated so that the IDEA objective may evolve through the various phases.

Please contact SaskCulture for a more detailed information package about the multi-phase program renewal project.

The Work
SaskCulture is looking for an external consultant or agency to provide a detailed written report that compiles research findings to identify leading practices from arts, heritage and multicultural funding organizations, and/or relatable cultural organizations, who are actively engaging in work related to:
• Inclusion
• Diversity
• Equity
• Accessibility

The Secondary Research and Literature Review intends to inform the broader work of SaskCulture’s multi-phase program renewal activities. This request for proposals will include a review of existing knowledge, literature and research specific to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) initiatives of cultural funding systems.

The scope of the research will include:

1. Identifying leading practices that funding organizations are developing and/or using to support equity funding;
2. Identifying inclusive language (humanizing, strength-based) for people and groups oppressed by racism and how funding organizations are evaluating and monitoring progress; and
3. Identifying leading practices for supporting inclusive leadership development, including outcomes and impact.

Scope of Work
• Initial meeting with SaskCulture;
• Development of a research plan and objectives that are approved by SaskCulture;
• Secondary research and literature/website review of leading practices;
• Regular communication and progress updates;
• Development of a final written report, including compilation, analysis and recommendations for SaskCulture;
• Identifying groups for SaskCulture to engage and consult with (*the Consultant is NOT expected to communicate directly with these stakeholders as part of this phase of research); and
• Final wrap-up meeting and presentation of research to SaskCulture.

In addition to the final written report, the Consultant must also include:
• A detailed annotated bibliography of articles, websites, reports and contact information used to create the written report; and
• An electronic (PDF) copy of all the literature or resources reviewed and cited. These materials will be appropriately catalogued and/or filed for ease of use. Even if a website is referenced, the content can change so a PDF is required.

Knowledge Requirements
• Understanding of the role of SaskCulture;
• Intercultural Competency – demonstrates a strong understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion, Truth and Reconciliation, anti-racism and anti-oppression;
• Knowledge of culturally competent research, including methodologies and ethics; and
• Ability to meet with SaskCulture to provide feedback and written updates according to agreed schedules.

Submission Details
What should be included in the RFP:
• Outline of experience and qualifications;
• Detailed plan, including timelines and methodology (approach / ethics);
• Budget;
• What assistance would be required from SaskCulture staff; and
• Location.

RFP Evaluation
Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the following criteria:
• The submitted proposal, including methodology and work plan;
• The proposed cost of the project (relative to the proposed work plan);
• Demonstration of cultural competence and knowledge specific to diversity, equity and inclusion, Truth and Reconciliation, anti-racism and anti-oppression;
• Experience and qualifications of the Consultant in conducting similar work for non-profit or member-based organizations;
• A review of sample work for non-profit or member-based organizations; and
• Shortlisted proposals will be selected for an interview as part of the evaluation process.

SaskCulture seeks to be an equitable organization. Priority will be given to groups or individuals that experience barriers to full participation in SaskCulture’s network, systems and structures.

Consultants may submit their proposals electronically to: Catherine Folstad, Supervisor of Granting and Technology, at Questions may be sent by email to, no later than Friday, August 27, 2021.