Call for an Indigenous Artist

City of Prince Albert, Prince Albert
Deadline: June 21, 2021 - July 01, 2021
Call for an Indigenous Artist, who once selected, will create a design for Orange Shirt Day – Every Child Matters, uniquely for our community, with the blessing of the Orange Shirt Society.

This design will be used for shirts for Orange Shirt Day (which will be available for sale at the Friendship Centre) as well as painted in our community (i.e. at community facilities, parks) using a stencil. Thank you to Janet Carriere at the Friendship Centre and Kiley Bear, Communications Manager with the City, for your help and partnership on this initiative.

• Prince Albert has one of the highest Indigenous (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) population ratios in any Canadian City at 41.5%.
• There is a call to action from the Truth and Reconciliation commission for a strategy to recognize indigenous history and commemorate residential schools sites, history and legacy.
• This is an opportunity to educate and commemorate residential schools and to recognize and remember their legacy.
• This is an opportunity to help with reconciliation in our community for a better future.
• This initiative links to the City’s Municipal Cultural Action Plan, specifically Cultural Goal #1: Honour the past and provide a balance in this narrative of both the positives and challenges that have occurred when sharing our story and Cultural Goal #5: Promote and communicate cross cultural understanding and learnings across nations, communities, newcomers and individuals. It also connects to the Public Art Plan goals.

The City of Prince Albert is seeking an Indigenous Artist to create a local design for Orange Shirt Day on September 30. The design will inspire education about, and a memorial of the impacts of Residential Schools, and to reinforce the message that Every Child Matters. The ultimate goal is an educated community that is free of racism and that welcomes and supports all people.
Once an artist is chosen, they will work with the City to create a design suitable for screen printing on shirts for Orange Shirt Day, as well as possibly a stencil that would be painted on concrete in a community location(s) to be determined.
Any profits from the sale of shirts will go to a local Indigenous non-profit organization.