8th Annual Saskatchewan Visual Art Project 2020 - 2021
Multi-Faith Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan-wide
Deadline: September 14, 2020 - April 12, 2021
A project that has been recognized by RCE Saskatchewan as an Innovative Project.
A celebration of art, faith and spirituality. Saskatchewan Youth working through visual arts for peace, unity and care of the Earth.
Help us create a more inclusive, respectful world through your art. Your work will educate and inspire people of all ages to treat each other and our fragile environment with genuine respect and thoughtful action. Our project is open to all persons in grades 9 - 12 and there are great prizes.
See the link for more information regarding themes, rules, and the submission process.
A celebration of art, faith and spirituality. Saskatchewan Youth working through visual arts for peace, unity and care of the Earth.
Help us create a more inclusive, respectful world through your art. Your work will educate and inspire people of all ages to treat each other and our fragile environment with genuine respect and thoughtful action. Our project is open to all persons in grades 9 - 12 and there are great prizes.
See the link for more information regarding themes, rules, and the submission process.