Executive Director

Dance Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
Deadline: June 23, 2021 - July 18, 2021
The successful candidate will lead the work of Dance Saskatchewan in advancing and promoting dance within and beyond the Province, helping to meet the diverse needs of the dance community and implementing the Board’s response to the Review. The organizational challenges identified by the Board of Directors for the next 3-5 years for which the E.D. will be primarily responsible are province wide service, sustainability, risk management and governance.
If you are interested in a challenging leadership position serving Saskatchewan’s dance community with a unique role to play in its future, this may be the job waiting for you. Accountable to the Board of Directors, the E.D. is responsible for all aspects of the DSI’s operations in advancing the organization’s Mission and Strategic Goals and in compliance with Board policies and direction. These are:

• Leadership and Counsel to the Board
• Operations
• Programs and Services
• Human Resources
• Finance
• Community Engagement

Please email office@dancesaskatchewan.com with a cover letter, curriculum vitae and 3 references.

For more details on the position: https://a91085c7-5ef0-42c6-b92b-e26b2058af79.filesusr.com/ugd/6d56b6_c5a2c5cf789a4205aa76edccd408704d.pdf