Heritage Saskatchewan is eager to bring more attention to the importance of heritage in the province. Incorporated in 2009, the organization is bringing the heritage community together to share common concerns and to work to raise greater awareness and support for heritage from the public and community decision-makers.
“We are working hard to build understanding and create a shared voice for heritage in the province,” explains Ingrid Cazakoff, Chief Executive Officer, Heritage Saskatchewan. “Heritage interests are so diverse, and include both tangible and intangible. It takes time to build the relationships that will help bring about positive understanding and change.”
Heritage Saskatchewan was pleased with the increase in funding made to the Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation (SHF) in the last provincial budget. SHF went from a $375,000 annual budget to $500,000 for the 2011-12 fiscal year. At their first MLA Reception, held in May 2011, the Heritage Saskatchewan Board commended the government on its support, and encouraged continued investment into the future. The MLA Reception was attended by 32 Members of the Legislative Assembly, from both sides of the house, and many Heritage Saskatchewan members.
“We were very pleased with the turnout for this event,” says Cazakoff. “It was a great opportunity to network with elected officials and raise awareness of our organization and heritage as a whole.”
Heritage Saskatchewan also held its second successful Forum in February 2011, Heritage: A Story to Tell, which brought people with interest in heritage from around the province for two days of discussion and learning. The next Forum will take place in February 2012, along with its AGM, and will focus on how heritage contributes to building creative communities.
For more information on Heritage Saskatchewan visit heritagesask.ca. Heritage Saskatchewan receives annual operating funding from SaskCulture thanks to funding from the Culture Section of the Saskatchewan Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture and Recreation.