If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the worth of the Everett Baker photo collection is priceless.
In the 1980’s, Sam Herman, then mayor of La Loche, encouraged community members to dress up in old-time clothing for a culture day celebration at the local elementary school. Thus, the Yanessa Days were born.
The village of Lestock is moving into the future using music and dance to celebrate differences and bring diverse cultures together.
PAVED Arts has preserved an often overlooked part of Saskatchewan’s cultural history.
A university of Saskatchewan student is rewriting Saskatoon’s history—and now that history fits in the palm of your hand.
Traditionally, Main Street has been the hub of the community for towns and villages throughout the province. Four Saskatchewan communities are now taking steps to ensure it remains that way for years to come.
The museum of Antiquities at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon was a first-time Culture Days activity organizer in 2012. Michelle Brownridge had the opportunity to speak with Tracene Harvey, the director/curator at the museum.
With the province turning 108 years old in 2013, residents of Saskatchewan and its many communities are accustomed to celebrating centennials.
Building community ties and connections is challenging for large, rural school divisions. However, some divisions make these connections a vital part of their students’ education.
John Lagimodiere has been busy myth busting with his Aboriginal Awareness Training sessions.
Borden’s annual Threshing Day, this year held in conjunction with Culture Days, offers guests an opportunity to leave their cars behind and ride a wagon into the past.